Dr Randy’s Glastonbury Quantum Computing Centre

…providing psiometric & neuromantic bioenergetic transformative tools for healing & enhancing the body, mind & spirit, contributing quantum computing & supercomputing resources to underfunded schools, universities & researchers the world over, and serving up a nice cup of tea or cacao with you whilst you enjoy a nice rest & unwind after a walk up Glastonbury Tor or around Chalice Well, recharge yourself and your devices, shop at Arabella’s Holistic Healing Haven, have a relaxing massage on our VibraSound sensory resonance wave table, enjoy Arabella’s art & music, record your own music at our 48-track, AI-enhanced MindSong studio, become part of the quantum personal computer revolution or just have a secure place to store your luggage as you explore Glastonbury whilst awaiting check-in time at your hotel or B&B. :~) <3 xox

Dr Randy’s Bio

Hi, I’m Dr Randall J Stack, but you can call me “Dr Randy”. :~)

I was born 6 July 1964 and my first aspiration as a child was to become a Jesuit / Roman Catholic Priest via my mentors, priests and the nuns at Nativity Catholic School in Hollywood, Florida. It was a Roman Catholic Priest, in fact, who turned me toward the Gnostic faiths and Western Esoteric Tradition at the ripe old age of 9-years-old. This began my lifelong journey of seeking to marry ancient wisdom & mysticism with modern technology. I was an altar boy at the time, and served many masses, funerals and benedictions with my friends Andy Rymarquis, Mario Lijoy & Michael Caruso during that period of my life (it got me out of classes that I didn’t like, as the church verger would alert me to such events before school each day, as well as P.E.). I worked my way up to Adeptus Exemptus (7)=[4] by the age of 17, and am now a Magus (9)=[2] in the Rosae Rubae et Aurae Crucis (R.R. et A.C.) with the Latin motto “Vix ego calcabit super tempus”.

I had my First Communion at 7, one of seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church, and my uncle Pete Lackowski gave me 3,000 shares of his Texfi Corporation stock, worth about US$5,000- at the time. I have invested it wisely (as per his and my father’s, Dr Kenneth J Stack’s, instructions ever since I received it under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act in the ‘States (my father also helped open Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida under the governance of both Michael Eisner and Roy Disney, as a financial consultant and advisor to their new venue, and I spent most of my early childhood therein from 1971-72 onward)).

At 18 or 19, I became an Eastern Orthodox Catholic via the Byzantine Catholic Church (sort of the “happy clappy” version of the Roman Catholic Church), and became an altar boy along with my best friend Peter Kreutlein in that religious denomination as well, and we both learned the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom in Slavic as well (I am largely Polish by descent).

It’s been 47 years since I purchased my first personal computer (from the returns on the investments that Uncle Pete gave me) at the age of 13. Since then, I’ve racked up an extensive and exhaustive list of processing technology – from my first Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I to Commodore (one of my favourites, as it ran my all-time favourite programming language – APL – develop for IBM by my good friend in Canada, Ken Iverson! I actually had three pocket computers from HP that ran APL in my pocket during the early-’90s!), Apple & IBM machines through to Silicon Graphics (SGI) workstations and even a Convex C1xp supercomputer living in a small, air-conditioned, 3-phase powered clean room in my garage in Florida. I never got so far as to get a Cray supercomputer, despite knowing Seymour Cray & Steve Chen, but must admit I came dangerously close to doing so in 1986 when I encountered one – a Cray 2 – at the 1986 SIGGRAPH exhibition.

During that time, from 1981 onward, I taught computer programming at the university from which I’d graduated. I wrote a high school and university level textbook on the BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language in 1986 whilst teaching two Drs of Mathematics – Dr Donald Crabtree of Purdue University & Dr Ronald Smith – BASIC programming. I studied electronic music at University of North Carolina in Asheville (during the period within which MIDI – or the Musical Instrument Digital Interface – was first invented) under Dr Robert Moog, a good friend and mentor who let me come home with him to play his Fairlight CMI (Computerised Music Instrument). I bought a modular synthesiser, a vocoder and got my own Fairlight CMI whilst working in New York with Dr Michael Bradford developing the new biosensory software for his GENESIS Bio-Entrainment Module, having earlier in Florida developed software for his biostatic and biodynamic field sensors called BIOSOFT & MINDSONG. I also created a special Biologic Signal Processor (or BSP) for the GENESIS powered by Cycling ’74’s Max signal processing and music generating development environment. Oh, and also did some DSP programming on Richard Factor’s Eventide DSP4000 and Dr Carla Scaletti’s & Kurt Hebel’s KYMA Capybara super DSP-based sound processing engine from the University of Illinois at Champaign / Urbana. Finally, I acquired a Buchla 700 computer music synthesiser and bought the very computer that its inventor, my friend and inventor of the music sequencer, Don Buchla, used to develop it so I could write additional software on that platform, too. Oh, and I worked with the Technos Axcel Resynthesizer because it supported superior access to construct, analyse & modify sounds in the spectral domain due to its powerful Fourier transform processor.

In 1983, I took a sabbatical to study entheogenesis at New College, Sarasota, Florida with my friend Forest Mars. It was there that I befriended Dr Rick Doblin, now the director of the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (maps.org), and I support him in his work to this day and beyond.

I produced a couple of albums of experimental music at my home studio in Florida with my best friend Peter Kreutlein, one track featuring our JavaBot Beatnik Poet, a voice synthesiser and DSP platform controlled by Michael Bradford’s biosensors under the guise of the Crimson Twins (we were really into King Crimson in the early-’80s, as well as Brian Eno, Laurie Anderson, Yes, and Godley & Creme). In the ’90s, Peter had composed a score for a dance troupe at Espace Tangente in Montreal called Aunt Helen’s Bath – about an older woman who had eaten too many bananas and had become paralyzed in the bath tub, and had to wait therein until her family arrived in the morning. Also well worth a listen; sort of a Philip Glass vibe. The ending ambience of morning was recorded on a SoundField mic and processed through an early version of my algorithm (listen out for the rooster!).

In the late-’80s, I was joined by cardiac neurologist Dr Ira Bauer, Barry Lynes, Michael Bradford & Valerie Hunt in order to examine and improve upon one of Royal Raymond Rife’s machines.

It was in the 1990s that I switched my programming efforts to Silicon Graphics (SGI) 4D/240 multiprocessor & 4D/35 single processor workstations, which I attached to the Convex C1xp super, to perfect my real-time Prilling process – a technique used to generate my collection of 3d animated, torsioning tori, each containing one element of the human matrix as decoded by my Portacle software.

It was in the late-’90s that super-programmer Netochka Nezvanova herself talked me into buying a new Apple PowerMac dual-G4, a desk-side computer with the vector processing power of the Cray Y-MP, a supercomputer designed alongside Seymour Cray by my friend Steve Chen. The lovely nn had also afforded me a real-time visual Fourier transform via her NATO.0+55+3d extensions to the Max/MSP development environment which, after I played a small part by writing an open-letter to her on the ‘net, she smoothed things over with Cycling ’74s David Zicarelli and her generative video & visual matrix processing algorithms became Jitter in the Max/MSP/Jitter development environment (and nn sent me a tiny porcelain box with grapes on for my efforts on her behalf!). This started my Fourier-fueled foray into vector and matrix processing in alternate dimensions, be they spatial, temporal or spectral in nature.

I also produced a couple of albums for Yoel B’nai Yehuda, Paul Inwood & Grayson Warren Brown for Oregon Catholic Press using my semi-portable Fostex Foundation 2000 hard disk recorder (featuring Flying Faders on its mixing console), converting several churches and a theatre on Sanibel Island, Florida into our music studios with an AMS SoundField microphone, two grand pianos, and a couple of pipe organs monitored for playback using two floor-standing BeoLab speakers.

In the early-’90s, I worked with Tomasso Toffoli & Norm Margolis’ CAM-6 / CAM-PC Cellular Automata Engine to model automata in multiple spatial dimensions (a work I’d begun to sketch out in my university days) – which led to my Adaptive Stochastic Automata which I now use today in my Chronoldek software which swaps the state-space & rule-space at each generation – in the form of a video-feedback algorithm on the Apple Mac platforms. I was recently pleased to learn that Tomasso Toffoli had also invented his Toffoli gate or CCNOT gate for use on 3-qubit or more quantum computers like the SpinQ Triangulum and above.

This inevitably led to my work with engineers at Lockheed Martin in Orlando, Florida on a hybrid analog / digital computer processor based upon Intel’s 80170NX ETANN chip (Electrically Trainable Analog Neural Network), that former the basis for my Incentor supercomputer.

Between 2002/2003, I moved to England and bought a 16th Century church house near Glastonbury at the site of the birthplace and first church that the former Archbishop of Canterbury and in his early years, dweller at what’s now the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey (and, legend has it, tangled with the Devil as a blacksmith in the small village within which I first lived here), Saint Dunstan (c. 909 – 19 May 988 CE), had built that I had found whilst staying at a lovely B&B on Wearyall Hill on my birthday! :~) Except during COVID times, which I spent in America with my family and friends, I’ve now lived near Glastonbury over 20 years! <3. There, I continued development on technological and transformative tools for body, mind and spirit for Don Estes of InnerSense (the VibraSound) & Michael Bradford (updating the capabilities of my original Biological Signal Processor software with a Dymaxion Edition for his GENESIS BioEntrainment Module, the final update was in the year before his untimely and sad departure from this physical reality in the Summer of 2015, right after he’d seen Kite & Lightning – a virtual reality performance art duo in L.A., use his GENESIS machine as the centrepiece of their VR journey through space & time).

Between 1981 & 2012 I also began using a DSP audiovisual transform I’d been progressively perfecting over the years to separate the real & imaginary components (cosine & sine harmonic partials) to restore the imaginary components in both music & videos to compensate for the Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier’s Discreet Cosine Transform used in internet streaming & compression algorithms to minimise bandwidth, ultimately patenting the process with Don Estes to debut this process December 21st, 2012 at the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, California, by Rev. Michael Beckwith at the Agape Spiritual Center in Beverly Hills, California, Don Estes & Lauren Evanow at their ‘Birth 2012’ ceremony. Was it the end of the world, as predicted as being the last day on the Mayan calendar, or what else?? Who knows?! ;~)

It’s covered under U.S. Patent 8788557 – “Bi-Phasic Applications of Real & Imaginary Separation and Re-Integration within the Temporal Domain”. It’s also covered by a Chinese patent, which I expect played no small role on my contract with SpinQ Quantum Computers!

Also included within the patent was an enhancement to my original MindSong software within which, using raw EEG signals from the brain (~0.5-100Hz) and transposing them up 4, 5 or 6 octaves into piano range, one could hear the pure music of their mind. We’ve moved on dramatically since then, using an artist’s brainwaves to control an entire studio so that they can effectively mix and master a recording via EEG, moving faders on the mixing console as if through telepathic powers (wasn’t it Arthur C. Clarke who once wrote, “Any technology, sufficiently advanced, is indistinguishable from magic.”?).

In 2018, we licensed our patent to Jacobi Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe (brother of Cressida Bonas and friend of Prince Harry) who used it as a foundational principle to form IRIS Listen Well to integrate my new transform into a pair of DSP-equipped headphones for more active listening and establishing peak flow. The first run of these sold out in less than fortnight. They are endorsed by Dr Brian May & Roger Taylor from the band Queen, McLaren Motors & Aston Martin / Red Bull for F1 racing (Max Verstappen used my IRIS Listen Well technology to win 2020’s Silverstone race, surpassing even Lewis Hamilton towards the finish line!), Sultan Ojjeh and our royal family member Prince Harry (son of our present King Charles & the now-deceased Princess Diana) has even used my process in his podcast!

2020 brought the onset of COVID-19 lockdown orders whilst I was visiting my family in America – and I was unable to return to England during that time. I was staying also with J Daka Phoenix (who had helped bring the 2020 Burning Man Festival to the internet for world-wide participation via the virtual venues he was hosting with avatars on his servers) for a while and got to work with the TeslaSuit in trying to create a wearable personal therapy platform (I’ll post photos, videos and my paper on this herein), it already having been on my psiometrics FaceBook page. Unfortunately, the TeslaSuit cannot be used by people with medical implants like pacemakers. I stayed with Anna Stack & Duncan Walgreen at their home for a bit, and came to appreciate their true wonder (Anna is my muse!). I also stayed with Will & Viviana McArdle, which had founding influence over the Holonomics movement, via their website at khristron.com. Whilst there for a month’s time I taught them the ins and outs of my own technologies, and vice versa, and shared in some inventions between the three of us as well!

Then came 2021, when I was able to return to England, thanks to Timmy & Manthy Clarke hosting my mandatory COVID tests and 10-day isolation before returning to Glastonbury shortly thereafter. Thanks also to Chris Melia & Family for helping support me by dealing with my finances whilst in hospital, my step-daughter Sarah Blenkins & her partner for transporting and storing a few of my treasures in their home during my time away, and Dr Enrico Melson (aka Anatta Sentient Bindu), MD, for monitoring my medical care here from Los Angeles, California (or wherever in the world he happened to be at the time, acting as a brilliant teacher, healer and peacemaker between nations). Whilst staying in hospital in Taunton & Wells in March of 2021, I met Arabella-Bing Zeglovskis and we hit it off in grand fashion (she’d presented me with a box of dates with a note reading “Fancy a date?” upon my release). We’d dated for a while in Wells when I was staying in supported living, awaiting the renovation of my house near Glastonbury and she has since become my fiancée! :~D

Just after COVID, my friend Tarun Raj opened Reality Management, a bioenergetic therapy centra in Santa Monica, California, with the vibrotactile light, sound & visual transformative technologies his mentor Don Estes of InnerSense & VibraSound fame (for which I developed the Sensorium LSV III driver software), with a focus on treating PTSD in American military veterans after debuting our technology at one of Tony Robbins’ elite gatherings. Special thanks to Shaoyu Su for transforming my algorithms into a Unity experience for the entire attending throng.

On Halloween of 2022, I received my first real quantum computer, a SpinQ Gemini Mini from China. Since then, the company has contracted me to teach quantum computer programming to school-boards worldwide. On Beltane, 1 May 2024, we shall be receiving keys to our new shop at the top of the Glastonbury High Street (where “Bag End” used to be) and shall be selling health modalities, transformative tools like those I have worked on during my development years (many of which are still in progress), offering teas and cacao with a bay for charging multiple devices whilst you drink or shop, and offering the true natural, elemental magick that is quantum computer programming lessons to tourists and children of all ages through Dr Randy’s Glastonbury Quantum Computing Centre! Arabella will be hosting Arabella’s Holistic Healing Haven there as well, and possible expanding it to an all out AHHH Spa at some point! We’ll be opening in the late Summer of this year. And popular Glastonbury massage therapist Takoda shall be joining Arabella & I to provide our guests with massage therapy to demonstrate our haptic massage tables & chairs, as well as other bioenergetic transformative technologies, whenever he is available (and, who knows, he might even treat us to one of his cacao ceremonies upon occasion!)! :~)

Oh, and we might just open a small music studio therein using my own technology, too, a small addition that seems conspicuously absent from the Glastonbury High Street landscape, despite it being frequented and dwelled with by the Sound Healer shop (where Arabella-Bing just yesterday bought her hand drum), a music store, numerous buskers, musicians and guided meditation leaders throughout. ⍨

And that’s me in a nutshell! Thanks for visiting!! <3

Love & Hugs,

⍨Dr Randall J Stack ⨳

P.S. Here’s my business card, too, if you fancy some quantum computer programming tutorials, want to acquire any of my inventions, or even buy your own personal quantum computer for your home, your children or your children’s school, please get in touch with me ~ as we do that, too! :~)

Dr Randall J Stack's Business Card

P.P.S. One more thing: When Michael H Bradford passed on from this plane, some ten years later, his laboratory assistant, Carol Cottrell, entrusted me with the archive of all his personal and laboratory computers. It was on a 1TB hard drive that she’d sent to me when I was stuck in the ‘States under COVID lockdown. I searched through it exhaustively and, ultimately, came upon the following words of wisdom hidden away behind a puzzle that were just meant for me…and I shall share them here with you now:

There comes a time in life... by Michael H Bradford

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