Dr Randy’s Glastonbury Quantum Computing Centre

…providing psiometric & neuromantic bioenergetic transformative tools for healing & enhancing the body, mind & spirit, contributing quantum computing & supercomputing resources to underfunded schools, universities & researchers the world over, and serving up a nice cup of tea or cacao with you whilst you enjoy a nice rest & unwind after a walk up Glastonbury Tor or around Chalice Well, recharge yourself and your devices, shop at Arabella’s Holistic Healing Haven, have a relaxing massage on our VibraSound sensory resonance wave table, enjoy Arabella’s art & music, record your own music at our 48-track, AI-enhanced MindSong studio, become part of the quantum personal computer revolution or just have a secure place to store your luggage as you explore Glastonbury whilst awaiting check-in time at your hotel or B&B. :~) <3 xox

Happy Easter!

Blessed & Happy Easter Greetings, One & All~

Just a little, shared update to our friends, families, colleagues and our extended universal family the world over:  Because we’re still feeling a bit under the weather, and so we have started our day attending mass at our local church – Holy Trinity in Taunton – and joined by Halo (our little puppy who sat between us through the whole service) via virtual telepresence this year.  We’re just beginning to feel better on the path to recovery, but don’t want to risk impacting the health of our parishioners and their children on this most important family gathering day.  Father Laurence provided a most inspired and moving sermon today – I was even brought to tears at one point when he mentioned old photos of his father, who reminded me of my own, as my mom and dad had recently sent me an old photo of themselves when they first got together in their teens as part of their 70th wedding anniversary invitation!  So thank you Father Laurence for making this a most moving and reverent day (and I really liked your hat, it subtly reminded me of the Eastern Orthodox priestly headwear when I was growing up).

My own family shall be celebrating at my sister’s house in Florida, so we shall be attending their gathering via virtual telepresence as well before they sit down to dinner (Halo – who is now approaching two years of age – joined in with our call to my mother yesterday to sing along and help serenade her whilst Arabella was playing ocarina – will be joining us in the live video-feed as well!).

This year had started with some terribly bad news for us, which I’d like to share:  Sometime between January 11th & 15th, our 500 year old church house in Baltonsborough was broken into and nearly £60,000- (that’s over $75,000- in U.S. dollars) worth of laboratory equipment, personal possessions, musical instruments and irreplaceable family heirlooms were stolen from our locked master bedroom (the only room I had left to store them, since the rest of our house was undergoing repairs & renovations).  There is a silver-lining, though: After nearly four years of hard work on our part (and not to forget our friend Chris, who kindly took it upon himself to be our voice and advocate in his communications with our contractor and insurance company), they have finally begun their actual repair work on our property and the insurance company had requested that the contractor install a monitored security (thanks, Chris & family! :~) oh, and thanks to our contractor Carl as well, who provided us video evidence of the crime so we could go to the police).

Well, that’s the bad news covered, so here’s the good:

On a more positive note, since we’re not able to move back home to Baltonsborough for nearly a year, we have recently bought ourselves a shop at the top of Glastonbury High Street (it’s actually two shops with two separate entrances on two separate streets – the main one currently is pink and bears the name “Bag End”, who’d closed down recently – attached to each other by hallways in the back so we can easily move from one location to the other).  Arabella is opening a family-oriented holistic, health-centric shop with a little cafe selling coffees & teas with both indoor & outdoor seating (there will also be a children’s area where kids can visit with Halo and play with some of our sensory and learning toys, as well as a place to charge up your USB devices whilst you browse or sit and sip your drinks!)!  She has yet to decide on a name, but we’ll send out announcements before we open.  Her own art will also be on display and for sale! :~)  My little corner near the back of the shop-fronts (the part that has the most electrical outlets) shall be dubbed “Dr Randy’s Glastonbury Quantum Computing Centre”, wherein I shall teach children of all ages as well as frequent tourists the natural wonder that is quantum computer programming (on a real quantum computer as well, the one I bought on 31 October 2022!)!  I’ll also be featuring our high end technologies I’ve either invented myself or participated in the invention of; things like the Vibrasound (Don & Future Tarun, are you game to get in the mix?), Michael Bradford’s GENESIS Machine (Carol, Mikey & Amy, have you finished it yet?) and possibly even my IRIS Flow headphones (Jacobi, are you up for another production run?).  Oh, and I’ve got a few new inventions myself to add to the mix as well (Will & Viv, any new inventions or books you want me to include?)!  I’ve already got the owners of my quantum computer company on board and a few biometric, transformative technologies from other inventors I’ve worked with in the past contracted and ready to go as well!!  We’re all very excited about our shared future together (even little Halo, but he’s an excitable wee pup anyways, usually stationed at our front door as the “first response team” to alert us when deliveries arrive!)! :~)

Whew, that was a long paragraph! :~)

However, we shall be taking a short break in Summer – as we prepare to open the shop – to visit my family in the ‘States for my mother’s 90th birthday and my mom & dad’s 70th wedding anniversary!! :~D. So stay tuned for even more surprises and updates (are you in, Takoda?!)…

In closing, we’d like to end on a joyful note, so, in a nod to my early background in Eastern Orthodoxy as an altar boy in the Byzantine Catholic Church, we’ll share a phrase from our liturgy which we have since learned is also a traditional Ukrainian greeting: “Slava Isusu Christu!” “Slava na viki!” (translation:  “Glory to Jesus Christ!” “Glory forever!”). ☦︎

With Infinite Love, Hugs, Blessings (& cute, little wolf-like howls),

~Dr Randall J Stack & Arabella-Bing Zeglovskis (& Halo, too!) <3

P.S. to Everyone: If you feel I’ve left anyone out on our above family missive but did not receive one and yet would be interested, please feel free to copy this .pdf file and send it along to them!  Some of you, of course, have requested this document via BCC for privacy and security reasons, so I’ve extended that courtesy to all of you.


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